A Few Words

About Us

A brief history of Leegal

We are today

Leegal as a company, Our mission is to solve the problem of Businesses having Legal and Tax compliance.

G Sons Company (Leegal – part of the G Sons Group) is started by our founder Shri Gorakh Nath Sah and Smt. Seema Gupta to resolve the problems facing by Businesses regarding legality and many more compliance. The Administrator’s, Mrs. Rajeev Ranjan and Mrs. Gaurav Kumar the heir of G Sons Company, continues the mission to resolve the problem faced by Business Man.
Accounting Services

Accurate Record Keeping Is a Key Component to the Success of Your Business.

We are now become family of more than thousands of businesses and more we planning to do so. This website is the steps ahead achieving the goals set by G Sons Company.


Team Leaders play extremely important role in motivating company’s teams and ensuring their success. Some of their duties include communicating company goals, safety practices, and deadlines with designated teams. They are responsible for motivating team members and assessing their performance and evaluation.

Meet the team

Our Work culture is a collection of attitudes, beliefs and behaviours that make up the regular atmosphere in a work environment. Healthy workplace cultures align employee behaviours and company policies with the overall goals of the company, while also considering the well-being of individuals.

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The Legal Solution

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