Tribal Kingdom | Episode 2 – Leegal Show

The Chotanagpur Tenancy Act: Protecting Tribal Rights in India

The Chotanagpur Tenancy Act (CNT) is an important piece of legislation that protects the land and property rights of tribal communities in India. Passed in 1908, the act was designed to protect the interests of the Adivasi, or tribal, communities living in the Chotanagpur region of Jharkhand, which was then part of British India.

Over the years, the CNT Act has been subject to several amendments, with the most significant changes taking place in 2016. These changes were aimed at allowing the government to acquire land for public purposes, such as building roads, schools, and hospitals. However, these changes were met with widespread protests from tribal communities, who saw them as a threat to their land and property rights.

The CNT Act is significant because it recognizes the importance of community ownership of land. Under the act, the ownership of land is vested in the community, rather than in individuals. This ensures that the land remains in the hands of the tribal communities and is not sold or transferred to outsiders.

One of the key figures in the history of the CNT Act is Bhagwan Birsa Munda, a tribal leader who fought against the British colonial authorities in the late 19th century. Munda believed that the tribal communities had the right to own and control their land, and he led several revolts against the British authorities in support of this cause.

Today, the CNT Act remains an important tool for protecting the land and property rights of tribal communities in India. However, there are still challenges to be overcome. The government’s attempts to acquire land for public purposes have often resulted in the displacement of tribal communities, who are then forced to live in slums or other inadequate housing.

In conclusion, the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act is a crucial piece of legislation for protecting the land and property rights of tribal communities in India. It recognizes the importance of community ownership of land and ensures that the land remains in the hands of the tribal communities. However, more needs to be done to ensure that the act is implemented in a way that does not lead to the displacement of tribal communities.

In this episode of our legal show, we delve deep into the Chotanagpur Tenancy Act (CNT) and its significance in protecting the rights of tribal communities. From understanding the act and the Chotanagpur region, to exploring the impact of colonialism and the fight for survival, we cover a range of important topics in this episode. We also discuss the right to property, compensation against land, project-affected people, land grabbing, and the need for youth in agriculture. Additionally, we highlight the importance of protecting tribal culture and identity, the limitations of parliament, and the value of tribal land. Join us as we examine the legal battle for tribal rights and learn about the importance of the CNT Act. Watch the full episode now and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more legal content.

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Important points Covered in The Leegal Show Episode 2
0:00 Introduction
0:40 What is CNT?
1:10 Why CNT?
4:20 Understanding the CNT Act
7:06 Chotanagpur Country
9:10 Middle Man
9:40 Stigma to Tribal
10:10 Community Ownership
11:05 Colonial vs Tribals
12:08 Story of Bhagwan Birsa Munda
13:10 You call me Bhagwan
13:20 Aim of Religion to take you to heaven
13:57 Sense of Nationality
14:48 Fighting for Survival
15:15 In the grab of legislation
15:43 Importance of Right to Property
16:18 DPSP preference over the Fundamental Rights
17:18 Compensation against ‘Land’.
18:18 PAP’s Project Affected People
19:10 Land Grabing
20:25 How much employment it will generate
23:20 Food Security
23:40 Land of High Density Population more than the China
25:38 Region is Self Sustaining
26:35 Banning agricultural Crops
27:20 Land vs Money
27:58 2nd or 3rd generation are in Slums
28:58 Re-initiating Right to Property
29:48 Why cant be the Kitchen of World
30:35 Youth needed in Agricultural
31:38 Farmers are not Happy
32:40 Middle Man
33:05 Farmers losses the Land Forever
34:55 Tribal’s culture only survive because of Forest
35:20 Protection of Jharkhandi Identity
35:58 Government is diluting the power
38:30 35% voted for you means 65% not voted for you
38:56 Parliament has limited Rights
39:10 Make ‘Manifesto’ legal
40:30 Submit manifesto to Supreme Court
42:10 Airports at cost of prime Agricultural Land
42:30 Build Operate Transfer (BOP)
44:40 Electric Vehicle battery disposals
47:00 Reasons of CNT
47:45 For me it’s priceless
49:13 Occupations on their Land
49:38 In Land Migrants
50:25 Non Resident Bihari’s NRB
51:08 Dharti Aaba
52:40 it’s a Culture
54:40 They return to their own Land
55:00 Homelands in Homeland
56:50 Tribal Women / Girls Trafficking / Sexual Abuse
58:15 Don’t sell this piece of Land
58:45 Future generations as Slum Dwellers

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